Thank You for Requesting a Quote

What happens next?

Sit tight, because a member of our team (Kylie, Kim, or Lourdes) will be reaching out shortly by email and text with a picture showing a measurement of your lawn. Confirming that this measurement is accurate is important, because the square footage of your treatable lawn will determine how much the quote is.

If you didn’t provide your address, don’t sweat it, we’ll still reach out to you as soon as we can with follow-up questions. If you just can’t wait to get started, then feel free to fill out another lead form by visiting our main page and typing your address and a way for us to contact you. You can also give us a call at 404-376-9554.

Until then, feel free to check out some of the blog posts on this website which contain useful information about maintaining a healthy lawn in Georgia.


Absolute Green Landscaping

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