Wild Violets Facts

Wild Violets Facts

What does it look like? Wild Violets grow in clumps. Heart shaped leaves. The flowers have five petals and are usually purple but can also be white or yellow. Each flower has its own leafless stalk. The flower has an inner white area and is somewhat hairy. The flowers...
What Causes Thinning Bermuda Grass?

What Causes Thinning Bermuda Grass?

One common question that we get asked is “why is the grass thinning in certain areas of the yard?” This is usually related to bermuda grass because bermuda grass needs sunlight all day long. The shaded sections of the yard are going to be the most common...
Dollar Spot Fungus

Dollar Spot Fungus

What does Dollar Spot Fungus Look Like? Dollar spot fungus forms in small, round, sunken patches that turn either straw color or white in the middle. These patches are usually about the size of a silver dollar, hence the name Dollar Spot Fungus. This fungus affects...
Lawn Watering Tips

Lawn Watering Tips

As you probably know very well, grass cannot survive without basic nutrients; sun and water. While, unfortunately, we don’t have complete control over how much sun our grass gets, we can control, to a certain extent, how much water is provided. Here are a few tips to...